Author: Nella WBN

Accessibility is a word used to describe equal access to digital information by all people, including those with disabilities. The Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) require companies and institutions to ensure that anyone can interact with their online materials. A variety...

For many of today's students, digital courses can help save time, money, and stress. Attending class on your own time, at a café, or at home in your pajamas has some serious appeal. But is online learning ideal for everyone? Instruction delivered through the internet may...

As educators, we understand that students come to class with a variety of backgrounds, experiences, and learning styles. Sometimes their strengths and weaknesses are obvious, while other times they are less apparent. How can you differentiate your instruction to meet your students’ varying needs? Building an...

As technology advances and educational approaches evolve, many instructors are facing demands to transition to an online curriculum. Stepping outside the classroom and behind a computer screen might feel daunting to some seasoned teachers. Most are accustomed to standing in front of a class and...

Many organizations are taking steps to make their websites more accessible to people with disabilities. But few are as concerned with the accessibility of their social media accounts. Does social media accessibility matter? Though not required under WCAG 2.1, social media accessibility is an increasingly...

With cell phones, tablets, and time spent online, we might assume all technology is second nature to today’s generation of graduates. While most have basic digital literacy skills, many students are not in fact proficient in the higher level technology that will be necessary on...

Generation Z, people born from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s, have a new set of educational expectations, and they are keeping instructors on their toes. These students are no strangers to technology. Their screen-based, plugged-in lifestyle significantly impacts the way they seek and process...

Are you familiar with the differences between the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)? Both laws were designed by the U.S. government to protect the rights of people with disabilities and to lessen discrimination against them. While the...

The PDF (Portable Document Format) was originally created by Adobe in the early 1990s. A PDF file is essentially a digital image of a document that a person can view, print, or send to someone else. PDFs are useful because they look the same no...

Roughly twenty percent of people in the United States have some type of disability. Many of these disabilities prevent people from properly interacting with digital content. While creating fully accessible material for impaired readers takes some effort, a commitment to the accessibility agenda is a...