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07-MA-Spreadsheet  5/4/07  9:02 AM  Page 242

               Activity  1

                Time Charts

               Practice Activity

                             Technology Overview            Being able to show your time spent on a project
                             in the form of a chart is an important skill. There are specialized software programs
                             that you can use to record time spent on a task, but a spreadsheet program can take
                             care of nearly everything you need to record and do any calculations for you.
                             Presenting the data on the worksheet can be a clear and easy way to see your data.
                             In this activity, you will use a spreadsheet program to make calculations.
                             Content Overview           Working at Reading Treasures Bookstore is a great
                             deal of fun. Besides getting to see all the new titles as soon as they come out, you
                             also shelve books, run the register, help customers find or order books, clean, and
                             perform administrative tasks such as taking care of the paperwork for orders. In this
                             activity, you will fill out a timecard to show how you spent your time for a five-day


               Formula An instruction Excel uses to calculate       Series A list of sequential numbers, dates, times,
                  a number.                                           or text.
               Mathematical operators Symbols used in               Standard column width The default number of
                  mathematical operations: + for addition, - for sub-  characters that display in a column based on the
                  traction, * for multiplication, / for division, and ^ for  default font.
               Order of mathematical operations The order
                  in which Excel performs the calculations specified in
                  a formula.

               KEY CONCEPTS

               Format Data                                          Enter a Formula

               ■ Format data by selecting it and clicking the appro-  ■ A formula is a worksheet instruction that performs
                  priate button on the Home tab (in Excel 2007) or     a calculation.
                  the Formatting toolbar (in Excel 2003).           ■ After you enter a formula into the cell, the answer
                                                                       displays in the cell while the formula appears in the
                                                                       formula bar when that cell is selected.
                                                                    ■ When creating formulas, you use cell references,
                                                                       values, and mathematical operators.

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