Nonprofits: Get Your Message Out!

Nonprofits: Get Your Message Out!

Nonprofit organization word cloud concept

Finding new ways to engage with people isn’t always easy for today’s nonprofit organizations. But raising awareness and inspiring readers is the key to increasing donations and motivating people to act. So, what is the first step toward effective publishing for nonprofits?

The best way to get started with a publishing plan is to determine the main objectives. What do you want to accomplish and how do you want to do it? Will you use print or digital pieces? What sorts of materials or resources do you need to communicate your message or build community around your organization? Once you have decided on the purpose, desired outcomes, and the best format to use, you can begin to outline and draft.

Message-driven publications are one way to spread the word about an organization’s mission. They help engage, inspire, and prompt people to get involved or contribute in some way. When well planned, publications can be a powerful tool for recruiting new members, retaining existing members, requesting volunteers, raising funds, and educating readers about important issues.

Are there training opportunities to announce, events to attend, activities to participate in? Is there breaking news in the industry? Professionally published materials can be a powerful outreach tool and a great way to gain support. Below are some publishing ideas to consider.

  • Tell your organization’s story through pictures and words.
  • Educate your audience about your cause.
  • Create training materials or instructional videos to teach specific skills or knowledge.
  • Spread your vision and values.
  • Design a course or certification program.
  • Share recent news, research, and information pertaining to your cause.
  • Build awareness and raise funds.
  • Design presentations to inspire existing and prospective members and unite your organization.
  • Announce activities, events, or organization achievements.
  • Spotlight staff or new members and highlight success stories.
  • Present new programs and volunteer opportunities.
  • Update your readers on industry trends and innovations.


If your nonprofit organization is interested in creating new materials, Bridgeway Education can help. Fill out our contact form, and let’s get started discussing your goals and product ideas today!